
Self-improvement articles about mindset and actionable ways to implement positive habits into your routines. I share the ideas I’ve learned to help you reduce stressachieve your goals and enjoy life a little more.

Discipline is more important than intensity

Discipline Is More Important Than Intensity

I believe one of the greatest hacks, when it comes to forming new habits, is that discipline (or the habit) is more important than intensity. I am still surprised that I only recently learned about “The Law of Just A Little”, as John Assaraf likes

Minimalist Habits to Reduce Overwhelm

4 Easy Minimalist Habits For Peace Of Mind

It is said that your environment is a reflection of your inner-world and I couldn’t agree more. Karen Kingston, the decluttering expert said “When you live surrounded by clutter, it is impossible to know what you are doing in your life.”

11 Easy ways to rest as a busy person

11 Easy Ways To Rest As A Busy Person

It feels like the perfect time to be writing this article as I woke up this morning feeling slightly under the weather and super tired after waking up about four times to respond to our baby during the night. Today especially, I am going to

5-Steps To Achieve Your Dreams When You Don't Know What You Want.

Achieve Your Dreams When You Don’t Know What You Want

There are so many of us who have dreams to live a “big” life but one of the reasons many of us put those dreams on hold is because we don’t know what job or business idea will be the one to get us on the road to achieve these financial goals. We are told to follow our passion, but how do we do that when we don’t even know what our passion is?

Courtney McPherson Profile Photo

Hey, I'm Courtney!

Self-Improvement Blogger & Writer

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.