
Self-improvement articles about mindset and actionable ways to implement positive habits into your routines. I share the ideas I’ve learned to help you reduce stressachieve your goals and enjoy life a little more.

5-Steps To Achieve Your Dreams When You Don't Know What You Want.

Achieve Your Dreams When You Don’t Know What You Want

There are so many of us who have dreams to live a “big” life but one of the reasons many of us put those dreams on hold is because we don’t know what job or business idea will be the one to get us on the road to achieve these financial goals. We are told to follow our passion, but how do we do that when we don’t even know what our passion is?

Sunset behind long grass

My Biggest Lesson in 2023

This is huge! These 2 things (clarity + abundance mindset) could mean that 2023 is the most important year of my life, career-wise. Although I did not achieve every single one of my goals, 2023 set me on the trajectory towards my dream life. It gave me direction and the discipline I need to achieve my goals.

Aspirational Hourly Rate

How to Calculate Your Aspirational Hourly Rate?

One of our greatest assets is time and the surest way to predict our future is by examining how we spend our time. If you have financial goals, it’s important to calculate your aspirational hourly rate so that you are able to figure out how


Is Self-Care and Wealth Related?

Lately, I have been wondering if self-care and wealth are related. I would love to read some evidence backed research on this specific relationship but I struggled to find any. They say you should write about what you want to read about. This article is

How To Think Clearly? Thinkitation Is The Answer

How To Think Clearly? Thinkitation is the Answer.

You’ve heard about Meditation, but what is thinkitation? The first time I heard about thinkitation was the beginning of this year when Vishen Lakhiani, Founder of Mindvalley, wrote about it in his book called, “The Code of The Extraordinary Mind”. I didn’t know there was

Courtney McPherson Profile Photo

Hey, I'm Courtney!

Self-Improvement Blogger & Writer

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.