Walking The Walk

To show that something is true by your actions rather than your words.

Indigenous flowers

Walking The Walk

Personal bi-annual reflections


I decided to start this section of my blog because as much as I love listening to all the podcasts and reading all the books on personal-development, I felt like I could do with learning something new but that wasn’t so serious and a little more relatable to the phase of my life I am currently in.

It can get tiring at times, listening to the great minds speak of what you should and should not be doing everyday to get you to achieve your goals and I would often wonder what they would do if they had just had a baby, were sleep-deprived and had a toddler to look after at the same time as working towards their goals and dreams (as I am).

As you know by now, I am interested in people’s routines so I often wonder what these successful people, whom I followed, would do on a daily basis if they had a newborn, a toddler and a career? Did they really wake up at 5am everyday to work out? After getting 3 hours of sleep with a baby who was awake all night, I struggle to imagine it. Did they really take time to meditate, journal, write a gratitude list, body brush, have a cold shower and work on their side-hustle all before the kids woke up and it was time to get them ready for school and then start on your actual job? Hmm… As a mother of two children (a 6 month old and a 4 year old) I am very interested to know.

Don’t get me wrong, I love learning about how to optimize our routines, habits and health – hence the reason for this blog, but sometimes I just want to see someone do it in-between changing the diapers, cleaning the house and being a present parent. Obviously, I would like to follow in the footsteps of someone who has already achieved the lifestyle I am working towards but there is also the part of me that is curious to see how their days used to look like, before they were the success that they currently are.

They say you should write about what you want to read about and who knows, perhaps one day I could be the person writing a book called ”How to Achieve Your Dreams When You Are a Parent With Young Children, Whilst Renovating Your House, Have Jobs and Very Little Spare Time, and You Are Also Sleep-Deprived” – I will need to work on the title, but I’m sure you know what I mean.

“Walk the Walk” with me as I reflect and write down the progress I have made and obstacles that I deal with towards achieving my goals during this beautiful and full phase of life we are in. I can tell you right now that it is certainly not as ‘black and white’ as the books and podcasts that are out there can make it seem. Ultimately, I hope these regular reflections will be like having a chat with a friend who is, like you, doing their best and motivates you to bounce-back when you fall off track; just as we all do.

Courtney McPherson Profile Photo

Hey, I'm Courtney!

Self-Improvement Blogger & Writer

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.